Re-creations of the first Grand Seiko

The first Grand Seiko watch, faithfully re-created with an eye to the future

2020 is a special year for Grand Seiko as it is the 60th anniversary of its creation. The date was December 18, 1960. For some time, a determined team in Seiko’s Suwa facility in central Japan had been working on the creation of a watch that would be as precise, durable, comfortable and beautiful as humanly possible. On that day, the result of all their efforts was released. It was a watch with a 14k gold filled case and a slim movement whose precision met the highest international standard of the time. Such was the level of their achievement that it was decided to call the watch Grand Seiko. Now, in this special year, a new re-creation of the first Grand Seiko watch from 1960 takes its permanent place in the collection.



Elegance 系列

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1960 初代Grand Seiko复刻款

复刻款共备有三种款式,全都具备同样的纤薄外型、并搭载具有高精准度的9S64 手动上链机芯。表壳形状以及柔和弯曲的面盘指针皆忠于 1960 年Grand Seiko首款腕表的设计,背盖则使用蓝宝石水晶、以呈现机芯的美丽装饰。表径从 35mm 加大为符合现今审美观念的 38mm,三折按压式表扣则让表便于配戴。2017年专为GS所开发的「超高强度钛金属」亦运用于本作之中,达到纯钛般轻盈,但硬度为不锈钢两倍。


外观: 超亮高强度钛金属
底盖: 可透视底盖
镜面材质: 双层弧形蓝宝石水晶玻璃
镜面涂层: 内层无反射涂层处理
表壳尺寸: 直径 38.0mm 耳对耳 45.7mm 厚度 10.9mm
表带宽度: 19mm
表带材质: 鳄鱼皮
表扣类型: 三折式按钮开关表扣
机芯型号: 9S64 说明
机芯类型: 手动上链
动力储存: 约72小时(3天)
平均每日速率: 平均日差+5秒~-3秒(静置状态下)
  • 此精准度数值是在机芯安装到表壳里以前,测量机芯在12天期间之中的秒数增加/减少数值所求得。此测量作业在人工控制的环境中进行,测量时机芯均有受到6方位的精准度检测控制。
防水: 防泼溅
抗磁: 4,800 A/m
  • 抗过敏金属
  • 24石

Brilliant Hard Titanium gives a classic a new contemporary aura.

This iteration has a dial in the signature Grand Seiko blue. The case is made from Grand Seiko’s proprietary Brilliant Hard Titanium, which is as light as pure titanium and twice as hard as stainless steel and therefore highly resistant to scratches. Despite its hardness, the case is polished with the Zaratsu technique to give the titanium a brilliant white elegance all of its own.

Manual-winding Caliber 9S64

Caliber 9S64 has improved its duration from about 50 hours to about 72 hours (about 3 days) to achieve more stable accuracy.
This movement has a beautiful appearance with a sense of unity unique to manual winding movements.

Learn more about Caliber 9S64

The birth of Grand Seiko, a high accuracy watch with a quiet, Japanese refinement

The first Grand Seiko born on December 18, 1960.
It was the determination to excel that brought about the birth of Grand Seiko in 1960. During its development and ever since, the idea that drove the designers and engineers was that Grand Seiko should be the ‘ideal’ watch with standards of precision, durability and beauty that would lead the world.

History of Grand Seiko