Caliber 9R01, created by the Micro Artist Studio, shows the full potential of Spring Drive at its very best. Not only does it offer a remarkable precision rate of 10 seconds per month but it also delivers a power reserve of eight days, thanks to the use of three barrels, to the unique design of the movement and to the craftsmanship of its manufacture.
出自「微型艺术工房」的 Spring Drive 8日链
「微型艺术工房」是以Spring Drive机芯为基础,推出复杂腕表与最高级品的专门工房。该表款采用全新Spring Drive 9R01机芯,大幅超越过去的3日链,动力储存达到8日。相对一般Spring Drive机芯使用1个发条盒,9R01机芯配有直列的3个发条盒,以确保2.5倍以上的驱动时间。表壳采用高贵的18K玫瑰金。在研磨加工上融合崭新思维与匠人技艺,孕育出无瑕的平滑面,将贵金属表壳带入新的层次。采用与铂金款的钻石星尘面盘相同制程,由漆黑深处绽放出熠熠生辉的无数粒子,令人联想起满天星斗的画面。