Sport 系列
Grand Seiko goes diving.



Sport 系列


Spring Drive 潜水表

防水深度200 米,利用 Lumibrite 提高了指针和索引可见度。专为在一些最恶劣的环境中使用而设计,旋转表圈可拆卸以便于维护,表冠周围的区域经过精心设计,可轻松洗掉污垢、沙子或海水中的残留物。
通过 Zaratsu 抛光技术实现的镜面表壳、有光泽的旋转表圈和多面切割时标,这款表无论在外观、高规格和耐用性方面无疑是 Grand Seiko中的佼佼者


外观: 不锈钢
底盖: 螺旋底盖
镜面材质: 蓝宝石水晶玻璃
镜面涂层: 内层无反射涂层处理
LumiBrite(智慧光能): 指针、刻度及表圈均有LumiBrite智慧光能涂层
表壳尺寸: 直径 44.2mm 耳对耳 51.0mm 厚度 14.0mm
表带宽度: 22mm
表扣类型: 三折式带安全锁按钮开关可调节表扣
表带周长: 195mm
机芯型号: 9R65 说明
机芯类型: Spring Drive
动力储存: 约72小时(3 days)
精度: 月差±15秒(日差±1秒)
抗磁: 4,800 A/m
  • 单向旋转表圈
  • 螺旋表冠
  • 三折式带安全锁开关表扣
  • 30石
  • 动力储存显示功能

Circle, triangle, square. Shapes that spell safety to the diver.

When you’re diving, legibility is everything. When the water is murky and when clear thinking can be clouded by the conditions, you need a watch that is as reliable and legible as can be. This is why the 12 o’clock marker is a triangle, the 6 a rectangle and the others circles. It’s also why the hour and minute hands are very different shapes and lengths and generously coated in Lumibrite. The exact time is easy to read, even at a glance, deep below the surface. SBGA461 puts safety first, where it belongs.