White Birch
This watch captures the dynamism of the white birch tree forests near the studio in Shizukuishi, where all Grand Seiko mechanical watches are crafted. To look closely at the dial is to experience the exact same feeling that the visitor to these forests receives and to be brought closer than ever to the true and eternal nature of time.
全新Series 9腕錶取自白樺樹林之風采
SLGH005 體現了Grand Seiko 機械手錶的起源之地:雫石工房周圍白樺樹林的靜謐氛圍。讓視線隨著錶盤走進蒼鬱的樹海,恣意探索時間真實且永恆的本質。
Series 9 將是未來Grand Seiko的重要品牌設計指標。精準的指針與細工鑿刻的時標帶來判讀無礙的體驗,經超鏡面研磨的無瑕鏡面拋光和細緻的髮絲紋塗層交互呈現,賦予錶殼內斂和煦的光采。低重心錶殼與較寬的錶耳使手錶能更舒適地貼合手腕。
本款高振頻腕錶搭載了革命性的新機械機芯Caliber 9SA5,經過改良的動能傳遞效率能提供高達80小時的動力供應時間。
外觀: | 不鏽鋼 |
背蓋: | 透視背蓋 |
鏡面材質: | 箱型藍寶石水晶玻璃 |
鏡面鍍膜: | 內面無反射塗層處理 |
尺寸: | 錶徑 40.0mm 耳對耳 47.0mm 厚度 11.7mm |
帶寬: | 22mm |
錶扣種類: | 三折式按鈕開關錶扣 |
錶帶周長: | 190mm |
防水: | 日常生活用強化防水(10氣壓) |
耐磁: | 4,800 A/m |
重量: | 178 g |
其他 / 特色: |

The design is true to the Grand Seiko Style defined back in 1967 with the celebrated 44GS, but its heritage is combined with a powerful contemporary feel that points towards a new era.

Case back
The bridge has a gently curving outline that is inspired by the shape of Mt. Iwate and a bend in the nearby Shizukuishi River that runs past the studio where the watch is made.

The high-beat watch is powered by the revolutionary Caliber 9SA5, which offers a power reserve of 80 hours thanks to its enhanced energy efficiency. First presented in 2020, Caliber 9SA5 incorporates three significant developments, the entirely new Dual Impulse Escapement, the Grand Seiko free-sprung balance, and the horizontal gear train which, together, set a new standard in high-beat horology.