The evenings draw in and the first frosts appear. There is chill in the morning air. The Spring Drive glide motion seconds hand moves smoothly, silently and mysteriously, like the moon across the calm night sky. Autumn is at its height.
冰冷的露水附著在草木上,早晚帶著微微的涼意,正式進入深秋的寒露。從夏天的喧鬧中解放,感覺秋天長夜寧靜的時節。透過卷積雲窺探到的月亮散發美麗光輝,以寂靜「良夜」為靈感的錶盤設計。Spring drive秒針安靜順暢的運作,與月亮安靜橫跨過夜空的景象重疊。
外觀: | 不鏽鋼 |
背蓋: | 可透視底蓋 |
6顆螺絲固定底蓋 | |
鏡面材質: | 箱型藍寶石水晶玻璃 |
鏡面鍍膜: | 內面無反射塗層處理 |
尺寸: | 錶徑 40.2mm 耳對耳 48.5mm 厚度 14.0mm |
帶寬: | 19mm |
錶扣種類: | 三折式按鈕開關錶扣 |
錶帶周長: | 192mm |
防水: | 日常生活用強化防水(10氣壓) |
耐磁: | 4,800 A/m |
重量: | 152 g |
其他 / 特色: |

The natural flow of time in autumn
In Japan, each of the four seasons of the year is experienced in six phases called Sekki. The subtle changes from one to the next bring the nature of time ever closer to our senses. This Spring Drive GMT watch is inspired by the night skies of Kanro, the fifth Sekki of autumn, when the sun sets ever earlier and there is a chill in the morning air. The glide motion seconds hand moves smoothly and silently across the dark and textured dial and the gold-color GMT hand shines softly like moonlight through the clouds. The natural flow of time is celebrated with a quiet refinement.