High summer approaches and, at last, the rainy season ends. The warm wind creates delicate ripples in the many thousands of lakes and ponds that shimmer in the early summer sun throughout Japan. The wave pattern dial brings Shōsho to life as the long, tapered seconds hand, driven by the high beat caliber, moves powerfully across the dial.
在日本一年分為24等分,四季的微妙變化已經融入到日常生活中。 受此啟發,GMT腕錶的錶盤精美地表達了其中一個節氣。梅雨結束,夏季來臨的小暑時分。初夏的陽光下,湖泊、池塘在清風的吹拂下波光粼粼。錶盤的設計以雨季結束時吹來的「白南風」所造成的層層漣漪為題,並搭載每秒10振動的高振頻機械機芯。
外觀: | 不鏽鋼 |
背蓋: | 可透視底蓋 |
6顆螺絲固定底蓋 | |
鏡面材質: | 箱型藍寶石水晶玻璃 |
鏡面鍍膜: | 內面無反射塗層處理 |
尺寸: | 錶徑 39.5mm 耳對耳 46.9mm 厚度 14.1mm |
帶寬: | 19mm |
錶扣種類: | 三折式按鈕開關錶扣 |
錶帶周長: | 185mm |
防水: | 日常生活用防水 |
耐磁: | 4,800 A/m |
重量: | 150 g |
其他 / 特色: |

The shimmering sparkle of summer
In Japan, each of the four seasons of the year is experienced in six phases and all have their own distinct characters. The subtle changes from one to the next bring the nature of time ever closer to our senses. In Shōsho, the eleventh of the year’s twenty-four seasons, high summer approaches and, at last, the rainy season ends. The warm wind creates delicate ripples in the many thousands of lakes and ponds that shimmer in the early summer sun throughout Japan. The wave pattern dial brings Shōsho to life and the tempered blue steel GMT hand adds the color of the blue sky in summer.