A high-beat mechanical watch depicting the fantastic scenery of an icefall on its dial
This creation exhibits a classic mechanical Grand Seiko case design with a 40mm case size. The dial evokes an icefall that one might encounter in the dead of winter on Mount Iwate, the imposing peak visible from the Grand Seiko Studio Shizukuishi, home to Grand Seiko mechanical watchmaking. Such frozen waterfalls are natural phenomena whereby the water flowing downward gradually solidifies when the temperature drops below freezing. This fantastic scene is depicted on the dial through the dynamic and detailed pattern, as well as a unique icy-blue color.
The case and bracelet are High-intensity titanium, a metal 30 percent lighter than steel and highly resistant to rust, corrosion and scratches.
外觀: | 高密度鈦合金 |
背蓋: | 透視背蓋 |
鏡面材質: | 雙弧面藍寶石水晶玻璃 |
鏡面鍍膜: | 內面無反射塗層處理 |
尺寸: | 錶徑 40.0mm 耳對耳 46.6mm 厚度 13.0mm |
帶寬: | 20mm |
錶扣種類: | 三折式按鈕開關錶扣 |
機芯編號: | 9S85 操作說明書 |
機芯種類: | 自動上弦機械機芯(可手動上弦) |
動力儲存: | 約55小時(上滿弦時) |
Mean daily rate: |
實際配戴: | 平均日差為-1秒~+8秒 |
防水: | 日常生活用強化防水(10氣壓) |
耐磁: | 4,800 A/m |
重量: | 104 g |
其他 / 特色: |