The fascination of light and shadow

In Japanese culture, light and shadow are treasured. The Japanese have always loved the delicate nuances created by the harmony of light and shadow and the infinite gradations between them, which is why they play such an important role in traditional arts like Sado, the tea ceremony and Kado, the art of flower arrangement. Grand Seiko is suffused with this time-honored aesthetic. The interlocking flat surfaces are designed to reflect light and to create subtle shadows so that, as the watch moves through time and space, countless variations of shade can be enjoyed. Sometimes sparkling, sometimes softly recessive, SBGH279 presents an ever-changing tableau of visual charm.



Heritage Collection

HKD 44,800.00


繼承44GS設計理念的自動上鏈機械錶Hi-beat 36000

錶殼的部份採用以現代化方式詮釋Grand Seiko的設計理念──「Seiko Style」所定義的「燦然生輝的腕錶」的設計。以拋光精雕細琢、毫無瑕疵的平面為主體的獨有設計理念,與錶盤配色相互輝映,醞釀出日本人自古以來的光影美學意識所交織的無數風貌。



外觀: 不鏽鋼
背蓋: 透視背蓋
鏡面材質: 雙弧面藍寶石水晶玻璃
鏡面鍍膜: 內面無反射塗層處理
尺寸: 錶徑 40.0mm 耳對耳 46.2mm 厚度 13.3mm
帶寬: 19mm
錶扣種類: 三折式按鈕開關錶扣
機芯編號: 9S85 操作說明書
機芯種類: 自動上弦機械機芯(可手動上弦)
動力儲存: 約55小時(上滿弦時)
Mean daily rate: 平均日差為+5秒~-3秒(靜置狀態下)
  • 平均日費率是在人為控制的環境下,在六個位置以固定方式測量錶殼中的機芯組裝前12天的情況下的日費率平均值。
實際配戴: 平均日差為-1秒~+8秒
防水: 日常生活用強化防水(10氣壓)
耐磁: 4,800 A/m
重量: 154 g
其他 / 特色:
  • 螺旋式錶冠
  • 寶石數:37石