Heritage Collection 62GS Mechanical Hi-Beat 36000 SBGH343

A 62GS model that expresses the vibrancy of new leaves growing on a cherry tree



Heritage Collection


This elegant 38mm wristwatch is a modern interpretation of the celebrated 62GS, Grand Seiko’s first mechanical model to feature automatic winding. A masterpiece of design, it embodies the “evolution of practicality” that has been central to Grand Seiko since its inception. The light-green dial is inspired by the new leaves that bud on cherry trees around the end of spring. The dial’s color is meant to express the vibrancy of the fresh new leaves as sunlight penetrates their translucence in the spaces between the peach-colored cherry blossom petals. The movement powering this watch is the Hi-Beat Caliber 9S85, which 10 beats per second to provide more stable precision by reducing variations in accuracy. With a diameter of 38 mm, the watch makes a classic impression on the wrist, and the case and bracelet have been crafted from high-intensity titanium, which is even more resistant to abrasions than regular titanium and designed to be a delight to wear.


Eksterior: Titanium dengan intensitas tinggi
Case back: See-through & Screw case back
Materi kaca: Safir berbentuk kotak
Coating kaca: Lapisan anti-reflektif di permukaan bagian dalam
Ukuran case: Diameter 38.0mm Membujur 44.7mm Ketebalan 12.9mm
Band width: 20mm
jenis Genggam: Gesper tiga kali lipat dengan pelepas tombol tekan
Perimeter Band: 197mm
No. Kaliber: 9S85 Instruksi
gerakan Jenis: Otomatis dengan kapasitas lilitan manual
cadangan daya: Approx. 55 jam
Mean daily rate: .+5 hingga -3 detik per hari
  • Mean daily rate is a mean value of daily rates in a condition where the movement before assembly in a case is measured in six positions in a fixed manner under artificially controlled environment for 12 days.
Akurasi penggunaan normal: +8 hingga -1 detik per hari
Tahan air: 10 batang
Resistensi magnetik: 4,800 A/m
Bobot: 98 g
Rincian lainnya / Fitur:
  • Kenop pemutar disekrup
  • Melawan reaksi alergi terhadap logam
  • 37 permata