The end of summer
Can a watch mark the changing seasons? Sometimes it almost seems so. The green of the dial and the brown of the strap seem reminiscent of the hues of late summer in the dense forest on the lower slopes of Mount Iwate, the mountain that overlooks the studio where SBGJ239 is made. As autumn comes ever nearer, the shadows lengthen and the light softens and, as it does so, the high legibility of the dial starts to come into its own. Could it be that the watch anticipates the change in the season? Perhaps not but its suitability for all seasons is once again made clear.
外觀: | 不鏽鋼 |
背蓋: | 螺旋式底蓋 |
鏡面材質: | 雙弧面藍寶石水晶玻璃 |
鏡面鍍膜: | 內面無反射塗層處理 |
Lumi Brite夜光: | 指針及刻度及表圈 |
尺寸: | 錶徑 44.2mm 耳對耳 50.6mm 厚度 14.4mm |
帶寬: | 21mm |
錶帶材質: | 天然皮革(鱷魚皮) |
錶扣種類: | 三折式按鈕開關錶扣 |
防水: | 日常生活用強化防水(20氣壓) |
耐磁: | 4,800 A/m |
重量: | 122 g |
其他 / 特色: |