A limited edition inspired by the beautiful autumn sunrises of the Hotaka mountain range.

edisi terbatas dari 1,300 pcs

Caliber 9R 20th Anniversary


Elegance Collection


This limited edition commemorates the 20th anniversary of Grand Seiko's original Spring Drive movement, Caliber 9R, which was created in 2004.
The Hotaka mountain range rises majestically in the Shinshu region of central Japan, the birthplace of all Grand Seiko Spring Drive creations. With its bright red dial, the second Spring Drive creation captures the Hotaka mountain range and the brilliant autumn leaves bathed in golden morning sunlight.
The watch’s recessed power-reserve indicator in copper pink adds depth while enhancing legibility and providing a point of contrast to the design. The rose gold color of the GS logo and the vibrancy of the red dial beautifully evoke the mesmerizing transition of changing leaves in all their autumnal glory.


Eksterior: Besi tahan karat
Case back: Bagian belakang casing tembus pandang
Case belakang dengan 6 sekrup
Materi kaca: Safir berbentuk kotak
Coating kaca: Lapisan anti-reflektif di permukaan bagian dalam
Ukuran case: Diameter 40.2mm Membujur 48.5mm Ketebalan 12.8mm
Band width: 19mm
jenis Genggam: Gesper tiga kali lipat dengan pelepas tombol tekan
No. Kaliber: 9R65 Instruksi
gerakan Jenis: Spring Drive
cadangan daya: Approx. 72 jam (3 hari)
Ketepatan: ± 1 detik per hari / ± 15 detik per bulan (rata-rata)
Tahan air: 10 batang
Resistensi magnetik: 4,800 A/m
Bobot: 144 g
Rincian lainnya / Fitur:
  • EDISI TERBATAS di bagian belakang casing
  • Nomor seri terukir di bagian belakang casing
  • 30 permata
  • Tampilan cadangan daya